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"It required effort once for the whale to swallow Jonah, and now it requires effort to swallow the story" ![]()
When you think of Jonah, what goes through your mind?
Have you ever thought, I am just like Jonah? We may have more similarities to Jonah then we think. This Book is about more then a fish! Likewise your life is about more than a fish or rather the issue seeking to swallow you! The book of Jonah is about the sovereignty and grace of God. Isaiah 46:10 Examples of God in control throughout the book of Jonah: 1:1-The word of the lord came to Jonah 1:4-Then the Lord hurled a violent wind 1:17-Now the Lord has appointed a huge fish 2:10 Then the Lord commanded the fish 3:1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time 3:10 so God relented 4:6 The lord appointed a plant 4:7 God appointed a worm 4:8 God appointed a scorching east wind Grace! Books of the prophets Validated by Jesus Luke 24:27 Matthew 12:40 They speak of a person, they spoke God's Word. Jonah 1:2 Three fold message, Role in Israel Deuteronomy 18:15 The greatest prophet! Hebrews 1:1-2 Your view of this story may reveal your understanding of how God works in your life. Your life is bigger than the fish that has swallowed you! Your life is more than the event, issue person or experience that is seeking to consume you! It may be the catalyst to your redemption. If God can command a fish to swallow Jonah and then vomit hi m on dry land, then surely he can save you from your current distress. Read Jonah! Comments are closed.
May 2023